Friday, October 17, 2008

Thank you all!

The last couple of weeks, having to deal with some slander put up by a childish fellow, I've been very BLESSED to get an outpouring of support from so many folks.

There isn't space enough here to list thank you's for all the calls, emails and posts received showing support for me, but I will post a few.

A man knows he is blessed when people step forward and help him in times of trouble. For that I am very thankful.

Here's just a few of the comments that were posted- I have purposely left the names of the posters out as I respect them.

*Mr. Henry,
I have watched the proceedings between yourself and THAT OTHER GUY. To me the problem lies in the fact that he is talking about doing certain things and you have actually done them. At one link he talks about raising rabbits and havin a garden, you actually do that. At one link he talks about bugging out, you actually have done that. It ocured to me that if THAT OTHER GUY was wanting to learn these things he should talk to you. I have learned from your videos and writings for the last 10 years.

*Rob, I don't know about you but I'm having a lot of fun watching THAT OTHER GUY talk to himself and praise himself on his blog.

* I've seen THAT OTHER GUY'S articles and came to the conclusion (long before now) that he is a complete idiot. Don't worry, anyone that reads more than a couple of his letters will see what a fool they would be to follow his advice.

*I was on the fence to begin with but the more THAT OTHER GUY attacks you the worse he looks.

* I'm getting the impression that OTHER GUY is a wannabe prepper. More significantly, I think his Internet celeb has gone to his head.I frequent Arfcom and I haven't seen anything from him except some post about food storage where your supporters gave a link to your site. THAT OTHER GUY tried bringing up this issue and was slapped down by the membership as much as the mods. Keep staying as "high road" as you can.

I have always found you to be a very professional bussiness man.
Me and You got into this lifestyle about the same time.I have always been impressed with your skill and motivation.If I had to pick 1 person who had out done me as far as preparing,it would be you.
I "buried the hatchet" w/ THAT OTHER GUY back before I went off line last year because I am not a man who likes to have hard feelings either way.But I have found some of his preparedness info to be wrong in a American shtf situation.
Slander = verbal homicide.
I'll keep you in my prayers Bro.

*Thanks for all that you have shared on here and at the campouts Lowdown3. My family wouldn't be nearly as prepped as we are if it wasn't for you.

*I've always know you act and speak honorably and with level headed reason and wisdom - I'm sorry this is happening - You know that those here respect you.

*Lowdown. If your the guy from JRH your topnotch. I knew YOU Back in Jax in the early 90's before I MOVED TO Texas. Talk to you at a few Preparness shows in Dallas. You been around a long time. Us old timers know you are a good man.

*I've kind of wondered myself why THAT OTHER GUY is accorded so much merit on internet boards. He seems to be some kind of celebrity and his stuff is accepted without question in some circles.

I've read some of THAT OTHER GUY'S stuff that was kind of common sense stuff, but nothing really new or enlightening. I wrote the guy off a while back when he let fly here with some kind of anti-Semitic rant and got all huffy when he was called on it.

*Lowdown is the real deal. I have taken more from his commentary and postings than many others. I listen to him because I am working to be able to survive the worst.

*Lowdown, I'm another who has learned an awful lot from you. I think most of us here can say without reservation that we know whom to listen to about preparing, and it ain't THAT OTHER GUY.

*THAT OTHER GUY is making up blatant lies to slander someone that he has a personal beef with. Disagree about a blog sure, slander a guys name, business that possibly feeds his family , It is not the right thing to do!
If he can go this far to slander, and make up falsehoods about a respected member in the survival lifestyle, NOT just a forum, it makes you really wonder what else he has lied about in his writing's.


I didn't realize you were associated with JRH... Well, I don't care what THAT OTHER GUY says, you're good people. It's been a while since I've sent any business your way but I wouldn't hesitate to recommend your company and its advice.

As far as the THAT OTHER GUY issue: you've probably heard the expression 'the more you stir poo, the more it stinks', right? Just ignore him.

I'm not sure how much of a legion of followers THAT OTHER GUY (Editor's note-he has 2 supporters) has, but he doesn't have your rock-solid reputation.

*I never cared for THAT OTHER GUY'S ideology or information way back when, when everyone was hanging on his every word like a pagan idol. My opinion has not changed. Based on what I know of you from the forum I will take a 1/4 of a LD for 10 THAT OTHER GUYSs

As to slandering Lowdown, I've never met either THAT OTHER GUY or LD, but I've seen far more people thanking LD for his HELP, Than I've ever seen people be thankful for THAT OTHER GUYS stories.

For those that enjoy his stories, I would remind you that he THAT OTHER GUY had the benefit of being the son of a family that owned multiple rental properties and a profitable business. Not quite on par with most preppers I know.

*Lowdown, you da man. You know good stuff and have zero problem sharing it. You give freely of yourself, and care what happens to those you associate with.

*In my OPINION yes he is wrong THAT OTHER GUY, I understand that his father agrees's with me.
His opinions fall outside of being of much use to me. Most of his stability has been provided by someone that doesn't even live in country anymore (His father). It's more like lots of luck then preparedness.

*...... in the world. Robert, you are a real man. A good Christian. A man that freely shares his knowledge and skill to help any in need. Liars, braggarts, and those filled with pride will be judged. I have met you. I have read his stuff. There is no comparison.

*As a memeber of at least 2 forums you both a posted on, I am going to say that you are by far the superior in knowledge and real time study. you and your family were most helpful in answering my noob questions. Not that this means much but I put far more stock into what i read of your posts then I do THAT OTHER GUY'S. On a side note when's your wife making more cobbler?

*Of course THAT OTHER GUY came from a relitivity rich background and has out of country support coming in so his view only slightly reflects the reality for the common man.

That said his later esseys seemed to be a little more "Look how good I am for surviving this mess" than "This is what you need to do."

*But when it comes to the down and dirty, here's how to prep to handle situation X, I'd follow LD's advice all day long, as it would provide the best opportunity to survive the unforeseen.

I don't understand what caused THAT OTHER GUYto "call out" LD3 in his blog, and don't really care to add to the site views on THAT OTHER GUYS blog to try to figure it out. I've had nearly 10 years of internet exposure to LD, and have high confidence that he says and does the things that he does for all the right reasons.

It was quite some time before I realized that LD3 was the man behind JRH enterprises - a couple of years, at least. And when I did figure it out, I felt as is I had happened upon a well kept secret, because I knew that LD didn't make it very obvious.

*As the tag line says, Lowdown is reality. He is also "good folks". I have benefited greatly from his advice and instruction and have been privileged to share a camp with him. Looking forward to that again. God bless you and your family Rob.

*i've been around lowdown at several "shoots" and several campouts.
he's fed me and mine. he's shared knowledge with me and mine.
he's sponsored meets. meaning, he came off the hip with money to help
make things happen and make an opportunity for others (including me!) to learn.
he's given and taught.
i've bought from him and gotten great deals, quickly delivered, and good info to go with the product.
we've prayed together. to the same and One True God.
his wife has helped my wife.
his family has given many hours to help us in ways that i won't share here. i have not returned the favor.
lowdowns advice has always been reasoned sound and beneficial.
i went to THAT OTHER GUYS site today for the first time. i wish i hadn't gone. his "counter" got one more click off of my visit.
i have no reason to go back.
i do suspect that by picking a fight with Lowdown that he's trying to get advertising for hisself THAT OTHER GUY

* Robert, THAT OTHER GUY has well to do parents and family who reside in Spain, so he has a safety net that most survivalist don't have. This may explain his exotic tastes and lack of depth in his survival preps. If things get too kinky in Argentina, he, his wife and child can just hop on the big bird and bug out to the safety of his family's hacienda in Spain. His reason for remaining in Argentina, given here at Frugal's, back when he was a member, was that he was in school working toward a degree in architecture

*The sad fact is THAT OTHER GUY is a survivalist in his own mind. He's been playing urban survival boy in a rat hole of a nation. Frankly anyone who has lived in Brooklyn, Detroit, Camden, Philly, Cleveland, North Dallas or Miami has experienced what Ferfal has or worse.

*I have been around LD3 at the Florida and Georgia campouts.

He spends his time not "hanging around the fire telling war stories" but organizing and disseminating information most of which he had to pay someone else to learn!

and the one thing he doesn't do is hock his stuff to you.

At one florida campout he showed off a pair of NVDs. he showed them off to show:

1. what they do
2. diffrences between gen 1 and gen 2

he NEVER once mentioned he sells them. NEVER!

I didn't even know he was Mr JRH untill after that campout I was surfing his web site that he advertises here and saw the 2 NVDs he'd demoed. Thats when I figured out that JRH was his business.

Fear Merchant??? Profiteering off Fear?

I'm sorry but If I was profiteering scum I think I'd atleast mention the fact I sell the stuff I am showing off which LD3 NEVER ONCE NOR HAS HE in my experience ever done.

I've been to 4 camp outs 3 Florida 1 Ga and not once has LD3 EVER hocked his gear.

He however taught classes on weapons take aways, land navigation, tracking, and knife fighting.

and asked for NOTHING in return.

I've even offered the guy gas money and he turned me down!

and this is the guy who is supposed to be a Fear Merchant? Profiteering off of others worries and fears?

Doesn't make sense to anyone else either. But don't tell THAT OTHER GUY, he thinks he's got something good to run with. Him doing that is just shooting more holes in his online reputation!

*This is direct to THAT OTHER GUY so if any of HIS buddies are still here cut copy and paste this to him.

OTHER GUY, I used to respect you and enjoyed your time when you posted here. I was sorry to see you go at the time.

Now I'm not. You're a dirt bag. Actions speak way louder than words and LD3's sounds like the home town crowd at Heinz field, terrible towels being whipped about the air in a frenzy, right after the Steelers score a winning touch down. Yours' sounds like a whore in church."

*Yes, I know Lowdown. Yes, he's the real deal. And then some. He's one of those always on the go, energetic guys that gives far more than he gets. Come to a campout and decide for yourself.

THAT OTHER GUY only desires to boost his own ego driven internet persona. His first couple of essays were good. A birds eye view of typical third world living always makes one appreciate what we have in America. His facade crumbled for me when he began lecturing on subjects he so obviously had zero experience in. Rehash of stuff he'd read. There's dozens + more just like him around the net with one thing in common, they need the attention being a "survival expert" or "operator" brings. We've seen them all come and go at Frugals at one time or another. It's pathetic.

*I would not put much thought into somebody that lives off of his wifes family business (THAT OTHER GUY). THAT OTHER GUY has some interesting points of view, and it was interesting to read them as events unfolded. However, they were in fact "Points of View".

*A very good friend of mine of 20+ years was in THAT OTHER GUY'S HOMETOWN for 2 weeks last year.

When he came back, I was wanted to hear all the stories about not being able to leave your place at night, of needing armed bodyguards, of city streets lined with robbers and hijackers, of chaos and anarchy...and he burst out laughing.

He said he never felt threatened at all in THAT OTHER GUY'S HOMETOWN, that he people were quite friendly, that it seemed prosperous.

Of course, it is a big city with lots of different neighborhoods, but friend didn't recognize Mr. OTHER GUY'S characterization of HIS HOMETOWN at all.

Editor's note- Deleted 11/20/08 due to peace accord between Lowdown3 and other guy.

*Just keeping it in prespective. Or didn't you read about his (OTHER GUY'S) vacation at the beach in his dad's rental house? I would love to be able to log into the old boards to find the link to this one!

I've always had good experiences when dealing w/ JRH & readily reccomend you to friends.
I'm quite sure that you're the real deal & though we don't always agree 100% on every point, I do value your opinion.


I want to say thanks for all the great information you'd provided to this newly reformed "sheeple" with a lot to learn yet. I've learned so much over the past few months and while I'm nowhere near where I need to be, I've (and my husband) have taken some important first steps. I appreciate your honesty and integrity. I know I (and others) have come in new and asked the same "stupid" questions over and over again. You've never once acted in a condescending manner but have taken time to post a simple well thought answer based on personal experience. I really appreciate that.

*I just put a comment up on his story. It will probably get erased though because it is vulgar. I asked him to take that blog down. Sorry you have to deal with that Lowdown. If I ever go into business for myself, your business model is what I would want to follow - Truth, integrity, service over profit, etc...

He is a rich kid(OTHER GUY) (maybe grown up by now) who can ultimately buy his way out of whatever situation he gets in, which is why his preps are few and his pocket's deep. I lived in Mexico for two years. OTHER GUY'S COUNTRY is not much different. Do you think the average XXXXXX has what OTHER GUY has? The answer is a resounding - H&!! NO! Your average XXXXXX does not have a car, fortified house, firearms or the physical stuff OTHER GUY had and has, and he certainly does not have the cash, ability to travel the globe or the other financial tools OTHER GUY has.

So, if you have deep pockets and think you can buy an pretty boy talk your way through when the SHTF or even worse, TEOTWAWKI, keep reading his stuff. If you are not loaded (and remember, it doesn't matter where you are. I you are in the US, then loaded by the US standard, if you are in BFE, then loaded by BFE standard), you should really ignore him. Overall, bad advice, with at best, maybe a trinket of common sense you could read about anywhere. After reading the blog about Lowdown though, I won't be wasting my time on OTHER GUY and it moves him from the pretty-rich boy category that really stands no chance in an American style SHTF, to an ** category unable to argue rationally and not worth wasting time o

*Lowdown3 , I feel you are justified in your indignation over these insults. The people that know you will not turn away because of this libel

*I just want to to say thanks to Lowdown3 for all that he does for folks on this board and others. I know everyone, including me, has learned a lot from his experiences and knowledge.

*Hey Rob,
Dont sweat this stuff. More important things happening right now. You are a fine human being and brother in Christ. and on my short list of folks I would trust to watch my six.
Brotherat.........................a friend of the friend you had dinner with last thursday

*Robert, your better than him. Thanks for helping out at campouts.

*I read a few of OTHER GUY'S posts on this forum. I concluded that he was full of the brown, smelly, male bovine material, clear up to the top of his head...

LD3, has great credibility with me, based on his posts.

I'm not sure how much this page will hold, so I'll cut them off here.

I just wanted to say thank you to a small few of the folks that called, emailed or posted support for me during the last couple of weeks. I appreciate good friends!

Robert Henry/Lowdown3
Updated 10-28

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